Deception Creek Experimental Forest
Deception Creek Experimental Forest, located in the Coeur d' Alene Mountains of northern
Idaho, is one of the most productive forests in the Rocky Mountains.
The forest is in the heart of the western white pine forest type.
When the forest was established in 1933, large old-age western white pine were important for
producing lumber products.
Therefore, research at Deception Creek Experimental Forest focused on the ecology and
silviculture of western white pine and its associated species.
Since the 1940's western white pine on the forest has decreased due to white pine
blister rust.
However, regeneration, vigor, growth, and genetic studies on western white pine and other species
have continued.
Research has also included work on site preparation, fire effects, insects and disease, and
watershed studies.
The legacy of past research and high forest productivity has created a diverse and lush forest,
making Deception Creek Experimental Forest an ideal location for conducting research.
The forest includes the entire Deception Creek drainage, a tributary of the
North Fork of the Coeur d' Alene River in northern Idaho. Deception
Creek Experimental Forest is located approximately 32 km (20 miles)
northeast of Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, on the Fernan Ranger District
of the Idaho Panhandle
National Forests.
Theresa B. Jain or
Russell T. Graham
Deception Creek Experimental Forest
c/o Rocky Mountain Research Station
1221 South Main Street
Moscow, ID 83843-4211
phone: 1-208-882-3557