and Water Engineering > Modeling
Software > Slope
Stability (LISA and XSTABL)
(Level I Stability Analysis and Deterministic Level I Stability
LISA uses Monte Carlo simulation of the infinite slope equation
to estimate a probability of slope failure for use in relative stability
assessment of natural slopes. It runs on IBM PC-compatible personal
computers under MS-DOS. Graphics capability and a math coprocessor
are recommended but not required. LISA will also run as a full-screen
application under Microsoft Windows.
XSTABL provides an integrated environment for performing slope stability
analyses on an IBM personal computer, or compatible, running MS-DOS.
The program provides an intuitive user friendly interface and the
analytical philosophy behind the popular slope stability program
STABL, which was developed at Purdue University.
SARA (Stability Analysis for Road Access) and DSARA (Deterministic
Stability Analysis for Road Access), the Level II slope stability
computer models, were under development when funding for the slope
stability program at the Moscow Forestry Sciences Lab was lost.
SARA and DSARA were designed to allow users to analyze the stability
of standard (full-bench, self-balanced, and through-fill) road templates
placed on natural slopes.