Microbial Processes
> Fire Effects
Impact of fuel management treatments on forest
soil erosion and productivity
- RWU-4702 and RWU-4552 share work on interactions of fuel
management practices with soil compaction, soil erosion, soil
productivity, and microbial processes.
- We will examine (with RWU-4153) how thinning, salvage logging,
microbial decomposition, prescribed fire and wild fire effect
soil disturbance and erosion and changes in site productivity,
forest health, and offsite sedimentation.
- Eventually, our data will be linked to the Fire and Fuels
Extension (FFE) of the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) to
the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) and an extension
to model changes in productivity and decomposition rate.
- RWU-4552 is examining nutrient cycling in fire-suppressed
forests shrublands. For
more information go the the Adaptive Management web site.
Wood Decomposition in the Forest Floor and Mineral Soil After Fire or Biomass Removal in dry Western Ecosystems