Long-Term Soil Productivity Study:
Debbie Page-Dumroese
Last Revised:
Microbial Processes > Long-Term Soil Productivity (LTSP) Study > Forest Locations > Diamond Lake LTSP
Site/Soil Description:
- Elevation averages 1146 meters.
- The topography is relatively flat (slopes average < 10%).
- Soils are Typic Haploxerult with a sandy loam texture and are derived from "popcorn" pumice. Pumice is at least 3 m thick.
Stand Description:
- Forest type is 120+ year old Douglas-fir with a minor climax community of western hemlock and white fir.
- Understory brush consists of vine maple, rhododendron, ribies, and chinquapin.
- Understory forbs species consist of twinflower, prince's pine, vanilla leaf, wild rose, oregon grape, trilium, violet, and trailing blackberry.
- Before harvest small pockets of dwarf mistletoe were detected.
Priest River site description >