Processes > Decomposition
Processes > Forest Locations:
A study was established in June 2001 as part of the Kangasvaaraja
catchment study (Finer et al. 1997) in eastern Finland to determine
effects of timber harvesting an old-growth mixed Norway spruce
(Picea abies)/Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)
stand on organic matter decomposition. Three plots (5m x 5m)
were established around soil moisture and soil temperature data
collectors in the clearcut/scarified treatment area. Three additional
plots were located around soil moisture and temperature data
collectors in the adjacent uncut, mature stand.
Mineral soil - seventy-five wood stakes of loblolly
pine, aspen, and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) were
installed in the mineral soil at each plot on the clearcut/
scarified area: 25 stakes (2.5 x 2.5 x 20 cm) in the scarified
furrows (mineral soil exposed), 25 stakes in mineral soil beneath
organic mounds created by the furrows, and 25 stakes between
the furrows (undisturbed litter layer). A total of 675 stakes
(25 stakes x 3 species x 3 scarification treatments x 3 replicates)
were used . In addition, 225 stakes (2.5 x 2.5 x 20 cm) were
placed in the uncut forest (25 stakes x 3 species x 3 replicates).
Soil moisture, temperature, and CO2/O2 levels are being measured
in the E horizon (5 cm depth) and in the top of the B horizon
(15 cm depth) in each treatment.
Litter layer (forest floor) - seventy-five wood stakes
(2.5 x 2.5 x 15 cm) of each tree species were be installed at
the litter layer/mineral soil interface - 25 stakes in organic
mounds created by the furrows, 25 stakes between the furrows
(undisturbed litter layer), and 25 stakes on the mineral soil
surface of the furrow trench. In addition, 25 stakes were placed
on the surface of undisturbed litter layer between the furrows.
A total of 900 stakes (25 stakes x 3 species x 4 litter layer
locations x 3 replicates) were used. In addition, 450 stakes
were installed in the litter layer of the uncut forest (25 stakes
x 3 species x 2 litter layer locations x 3 replicates). Temperatures
are being measured on the litter layer surface and at the mineral
soil/litter layer interface.
Next Forest - Switzerland