Processes > Decomposition
Processes > Forest Locations:
Miller Creek, Montana USA
A wood stake study will be established in the Miller Creek Demonstration
Forest as part of a Flathead National Forest study to determine
the suitability of fire and/or thinning to promote the development
of old-growth stand characteristics in subalpine fir (Abies
lasiocarpa/Larix lasiocarpa) forests in northwestern Montana.
Two treatment plots will be studied: 1) prescribed underburning,
and 2) thinning to a 25 cm diameter limit. One plot will also
be established in an uncut old-growth stand adjacent to the
treatment area. Two microplots will be established around soil
moisture and temperature data collectors in each treatment plot.
Mineral soil - twenty-five stakes (2.5 x 2.5
x 30 cm) of loblolly pine and aspen will be installed in the
mineral soil at each microplot - for a total of 300 stakes (25
stakes x 2 species x 3 treatment plots x 2 microplots x 1 replicates).
Five stakes of each species will be removed from each microplot
every six months.
Litter layer (forest floor) - fifty wood stakes
(2.5 x 2.5 x 15 cm) of each tree species will be installed at
each microplot - 25 stakes at the forest floor/mineral soil
interface, and 25 stakes placed on the litter layer surface
for a total of 600 stakes (25 stakes x 2 species x 3 treatment
plots x 2 microplots x 2 litter layer locations x 1 replicates).
Temperatures will be measured at the mineral soil/litter interface
and at the soil surface.
Next Forest - Hawaii USA